Optimism #83 - February 24, 2025

Dear clients and friends,

I may be in denial, but turning off the mainstream media coming through the television seems to make me a better, calmer person.

Expecting a blood bath, I looked at my portfolio value this morning with trepidation.  And… it was up.  Not down.  Maybe the sky really isn’t falling?  I wish I knew.

I worry about your money sometimes, and mine.  And then I ask myself what we actually own.  If the expected time horizon to hold the investment is long enough to outlive a market correction, I stop worrying, mostly.

Insiders continue to buy at Cenovus, American Hotel REIT, Canadian Tire, Vermillion Energy, Veren Inc. (formerly Crescent Point Energy), Stantec Engineering, Canadian Net Real Estate Trust. 
Mostly in the energy and real estate areas.  I have missed more than I have listed.  Smart money is not only staying in the market, it’s buying more.

Wonderful articles attached on safe withdrawal rates, making sure your beneficiaries are listed correctly and professional money managers that are bullish on Canada, despite tariffs and other headwinds.

I love quotes from Charlie Munger.  He said, “we have three buckets for investment ideas. Yes, no and too tough to understand.”

And “You can call Bitcoin a store of wealth.  I call it a store of delusion.”

Have a super week.
Derek Moran 

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